MetaZoo Abbreviations

There are a number of abbreviations that have come to be in the MetaZoo world; some of which are not as well-known as others.

So here’s a list of abbreviations (and acronyms) that I’ve been able to scrounge up that have surfaced in the MetaZoo community, and the trading card game world in general:

AbbreviationExpanded / What it Means
1E / 1ST EDFirst Edition
2E / 2ND EDSecond Edition
K / KSKickstarter
BBBooster Box
CNCryptid Nation
OB9Obnoxious Nine (?)
U13 / UL13Unlucky Thirteen (?)
W7Wild Seven (?)
TCGTrading Card Game
CCGCollectible Card Game
TTSTabletop Simulator (?)
LPLife Points
RRare (Gold)
UUncommon (Silver)
CCommon (Bronze)
H / HoloHolographic
FHFull Holographic
RH / Rev HoloReverse Holographic
SRSecret Rare and/or Star Rare (Red Ink, Blue Ink, Old Scratch, Green Man)
AU / AUTOAutograph, Autographed
GGGood Game
GL / GLHFGood Luck / Good Luck Have Fun
LGSLocal Game Store
LCSLocal Card Store
NFTNon-Fungible Token
BGSBeckett Grading Services
DSGDiamond Service Grading
CGCCertified Guaranty Company
PSAProfessional Sports Authenticators
MSRPManufacturer's Suggested Retail Price
RRPRecommended Retail Price