Will there be a green MetaZoo binder for Wilderness?


When are the free Christmas packs shipping?

As soon as the warehouse workers get back from christmas vacation!

Any idea what gifts you will receive this evening?

No idea, I asked for books

Any news on dbruze mike? I know you’ve been pushing but anything as of now?

I know it’s late, I’m literally pushing as hard as I can to the point of stressing a friendship

I think we both know the Genesis NFT floor is too low. What benefits will Genesis NFTs get that coins won’t?

Cards and coins unique to genesis

Mike what is the next big investment for MetaZoo? Animation?

Online play

If you could go back in time, what would you different Mike?

I wouldn’t have done the bazaar

Will the Genesis cards be tourney legal?


Can old Patreon Casters get their own NFT?

patreon benefits are over, NFT is king now

Collectors sets seem to be killing the value out of any base set of MTG cards.

Yea, not a huge fan of them

What has been your favorite convention experience with MetaZoo so far?

nycc was high octane

Will the MetaZoo videogame be a turn-based RPG or Open World?


Have you heard of the #1 Team in MetaZoo competitive play yet? #undervalued

Are you approaching me?

NYCC 2022 see you there? ;)

heck yes

Chibi Mike?

weight goals

Mike who has been the best DM slide in for 2021?
