What does your family and friends you grew up with think about what you’ve done with metazoo? Do they know you’re somewhat of a big deal in the TCG realm?

My dad is accomplished in terrifyingly impressive ways, but he’s happy I have a paying job

New rarity when?.. As in full art, alt art or something else?

Probably not for a long while, don’t want rarity creep

When can we expect Topps Chrome MetaZoo, and can you give us any hints at what kind of coolness we can expect with it? Numbered Post Malone sasquatch?

topps chrome end of 2022

Will having an NFT give you access to sample cards or playtesting cards for future?

No new sample cards will ever be made, and you need to be a playtester to get playtester cards

Is MetaZoo thinking about creating it’s own marketplace for buyers/sellers?

We had the bazaar, never again

Mike, what do you hope to find in your stocking?

A positive facebook community

Toughest part of running a TCG?

Making sure I don’t let my team or the community down. Keeps me up at night but I love it

I have no idea how to obtain NFTs; it’s complicated and intimidating. Will there ever be a process to make it easy for Neanderthals such as myself?

Yes, the sol will shine on you

Mike do you watch MetaZoo content in YouTube?

all of it

When is the estimated release for Gal Yosef’s PFP project? Will current NFT owners get early access/discounts?

soon and of course

Will you ever expand to Collector Edition packs/boxes?

Is there interest for this?

When the next Kickstarter project?

Late january

Was your dad or someone you know inspiration for Indrid Cold?

My dad is the inspo for Hero in the story

Why the decision to change up the logos for traits/auras with Wilderness?

Rather than use public domain icons, makes more sense to use our own

Will we ever get Trainer cards, with art of people from the comics or mysterious figures from history?

Caster cards

How do you become a play tester and do you have to know what your doin?

Start playing