I wish the MetaZoo play network didn’t have so many issues right now


One point of constructive criticism i would like to state is about the Walmart boxes. I think putting chase pulls in them could deter the original use of them (get it in more hands/new hands). Because of the box toppers in them, they are being more sought after by scalpers and flippers than new players. I think that could hurt its intentions. Just my two cents on them that i am seeing.

Had no idea they were putting boxtoppers in them

What is the Walmart box print run @MetaZoo

1 billion

Any chance we will get an expanded chibi set in the future? 12 just isn’t enough for me!!! Also need a squonk chibi ASAP!

full chibi mini set coming next year!

Scavenger hunt wen?

very soon

Star Trek or Star Wars?


What are you looking forward to the most this year for Metazoo??


Do you foresee another Kickstarter in the future?

every year is the plan

MetaZoo x Tamagotchi?

would be pretty cool

Official release of Wilderness is March 31?


Thoughts on old saybrook blockheads?


MetaZoo x NBA ever considered? 🏀

for topps, yes

Has anyone noticed you in an airport yet?


When will MZ be going public?


Will we get a Wildreness Binder around the release date of the set to match the other binders?

trying to get it as close as possible

Mike will you be signing cards at the collect a con
