Will you announce the size of printruns for promos?

I feel like we do a good job of this

Sanctioned play for TTS at all for players that may not be close to somewhere with organized play?

Not on TTS, no. I would suggest spreading the word/setting something up at your LGS if you want sanctioned play

Do you have a chauffeuer?

would need to leave the apartment to justify that expense

What’s the price point for the highest tier of the new kickstarter?

lowest is $45, highest is $1275

How are you doing Mike? I’m here if you need to talk

I’m doing well, better than last week, which was better than the week before that

Mike, you should be on an episode of Hot Ones

I would be down

Will the genesis NFTs still be 16bit or something else?


Can you spoil the secret rare for wilderness?


Mike will you ship me my froggy and cards back please? :) I miss them


Hey Mike, are you still planning on coming to Sneakouts before Orlando or is that on hold for now?

I think the plan is the 15th?

Metazoo corporate expansion incoming?


What did you have for breakfast? Was it bussin 🔥?

fruit and cheese from starbies

How are you going to make nerds like me rich?

Rich in life? Get your 8 hours each night

Is the Mothman short printed in CN2?


who u got winning the superbowl?


Will I find love with the valentines drop?
