When will the next set of Revive boards be out? — HappyKitty05

next month (Announced May 13th, 2022)

Chibi mini set wen? — Artz

in between spring and summer sets next year

have you filled any further board positions, any announcements forthcoming? — Koschei

yes, locking in one this week

What are the kickstarter fees on $2mil? — singy07

about 15%

What did Unicorn do to deserve not being made into a full holo? —thattwhiteguyy

saving that for special set

Revive customer service said we only have 90 days to redeem card codes for decks. Is this true? — cn3wb’s Metazoo Moments


Hey Mike will we ever see your original art in an actual product? That OG mothman is beautiful! —Cole.604

I kind of like my memories being my own about those. I think those memories would be diluted if I saw them on thousands of cards you know?

What will be the biggest set card count wise in the upcoming announced sets? — SolidDante

unannounced new cryptid nation core set before war

Everyone hates on whatnot sellers but there are alot of us who really love Metazoo and use whatnot to introduce new players all the time. I myself give out free packs to anyone who joins my stream asking about Metazoo and is new to it, to help get them started and I’ll explain the game to —themthattwhiteguyy

I like whatnot and what it does for the community. Like most complex things, there are multiple sides and there’s good and bad. Most communities aren’t monoliths

@MetaZoo print run of eBay boxes? — MetaZach

smaller than you think

Any plans for a larger size Rulebook print? I want a regular sized book. Lol — AbyssalArtorias⚔

going smaller

Has the whole UFO set been completed or still being worked on ? — Control_Art

being submitted end of april

Will we see the fan art beasties later in in an official set or is this the only Bloody Mary etc. we will see? — JB85

hmmm i wonder

(Mike)let me get a ufo spoiler

https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/962029066561675307/966065005973897407/IMG_1867.png and https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/962029066561675307/966065290117017710/IMG_1868.png Curtesy from Austinb29

@MetaZoo Rat Emoji ? — MetaMonty

Later Today ( Went Live on 4.19.22)

When are more details on the $250k going to be released? — Tuffy

End of april