Are there unclaimed C2E2 promos and will they be distributed? If so any word on how?

We might just burn them

Mike will you be putting advertisements in future comics

Yes, but we want to do these correctly. With more and more chapters coming out, we want the ads to be more impactful

Who do I need to talk to about getting the NFT from the New Years TTS tournament?

It still needs to be minted and will be on Feb 1st. We had to wait a month for internal and legal reasons

New KS campaign, what time tomorrow?

Planning for 9pm EST

How are you feeling this year so far?

Better than last year, and that’s the hope for each year. We have some collabs coming that are going to blow your mind

Any information that you haven’t shared for tomorrow’s KS that you want to share now?

There will be a promo box of 10 packs, 1 card per pack, included with each tier. These promo cards are tournament legal. Oh, and uncut sheets will be addons as well 😉

Your comment the other day got me thinking… Will we be seeing you on some NFT-related content or interviews soonish?

That’s the plan

So whats the difference between the KS starting tomorrow. And the April 30th uspcc KS?

More details on that later

Can you tell us when the burn for the genesis nfts going to happen?

We are trying to figure out the best time for this and will have updates soon

Any plans to print illustrated novel on modern comic book size?

We are in talks with a major company about reimagining my illustrated story as a comic, which, yes, will be standard size

I bought a copy of the Scream magazine with the first ever Metazoo advert in it. What made you choose that magazine?

Looked pretty poggers

metazoo dropping at Walmart 2/7 or should we expect another delay?

I think it’s safe to say with big box that it’s better for me to just give a range, like first half of feb, rather than a specific day

Can you give more official numbers on the print run of rares from Cryptid Nation First Edition?

Just follow the math, nothing was shortprinted

Will ufo boxes shoot lasers or fly

UFO will fly, in ways you might not expect though

How much equity of Metazoo games is not owned by Mike Waddel? Will equity shares of MZ ever be public info?

When we go public in 2023
