How Metazoo Legos?


Are you guys still using Bayaya for printing or have you guys found a new printer company?

Bayaya is our printer, while we wanted to do our main sets with cartamundi, their lead times didn’t work with our product schedule.

Will MetaZoo be in any major UK stores?


Will there be more field removal spells for other colors?

@Kevin C.

How much wood could a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood?


Treasure hunt soon?

(In reply to the above) How rare will these be?


Will there be other 2nd ed BB besides CN? Or will other 2nd ed sets be sold in bigbox stores exclusively?

Thinking big box exclusives

How does one become a playtester?

We will be soliciting playtesters for UFO and Chibi set very soon @Kevin C.

With all the positive reception, will you consider releasing your Magicast creations for a 5 year anniversary mini/promo set?

5 year anniversary sounds like a good plan

Mike, can you answer a question I do not know to ask?


Any plans for something more than a sticker with future nft exclusive sales/presales?

We released the roadmap

Is the valentines day set the same thing as the chibi set, or are those 2 different sets?


Will 1st Anniversary Celebration get some kind of reprint?


What is the one piece of MetaZoo collection that you will keep in your ownership forever and means the most to you?

My original pieces of art that I made when I thought I wouldn’t find artists

are there any plans to try to give aura combinations unique slices of the flavor pie?

We are pretty clever