Can I still back the Kickstarter?

WL wen?

What is the print run for the Headless Horseman Channel Fireball promo?


Wilderness box toppers?

Nope, something more special.

Happy New Year Mike! Were you in NYC for yours?

Yes, stayed inside due to omicron.

When does Valentines set go on sale?

Early Feb, or should we do it sooner?

Box bottomers!!


When are DimMak shirts getting shipped or we waiting till they sold out?

Should start being shipped this week!

Will there be custom artworks for every single card for the all NFT collection holders?

You mean 2.3k custom arts? lol I wouldn’t do that to our already overworked artists!

Will there be any more print runs of Criptid Nation or is the 2nd edition the final run?

Final run. We are thinking for future 2nd editions we make the print run exclusive to special products released in Walmart, Target, Gamestop, etc…

When Sneakouts again?

Mid Jan?

When will you release a Wilderness binder?

Around Wilderness!

When will Christmas giveaway kickstarter packs ship?


Wen bullion coins of our tokens?

Working on it!

Will the magazines continue to be printed or will they now only be up on the website?

Yup, physical copies will lag behind digital!

Will future NFT presale boxes have more than just stickers?

We might do an NFT exclusive release, but it won’t ever be core product needed to play.

When will we get an actual digital Metazoo game since TTS can’t track anything?

Working on it!