What were Mike Waddell’s (MetaZoo Games Founder) signatures during each time period?

Mike Waddell changed his signature at least 4 times since the inception of MetaZoo Games.

It started off back in mid-2020 as the following:

Then in June 2021, it was changed to the following:

Then in February 2022, it was changed to the following:

The clockwise spiral in Mike’s first Choku Rei signature (seen above) indicates energy flow is spirit-to-matter.

Then on July 29, 2022, it was changed to the following:

The counter-clockwise spiral in Mike’s second Choku Rei signature (seen above) indicates energy flow is matter-to-spirit.

Then on October 22, 2022, it was changed to the following:

Mike’s signature here symbolizes The sigil of Archangel Michael.

A huge thanks to @Latest for the signature info, and @AbyssalArtorias for the card image.