Who is MetaZoo Games LLC?

MetaZoo Games LLC was founded by Michael A. Waddell in 2020 in New York City, New York, and now consists of over thirty people responsible for the ever-growing MetaZoo trading card game that initially launched through a successfully funded Kickstarter campaign backed by 255 people with a pool of $18,249 in late 2020.

Over the course of the months since, the team has worked hard to ensure that other MetaZoo products and accessories were made available, and has made quick partnerships with companies and people such as Topps and Steve Aoki.

MetaZoo Games continues to expand its line of available products with haste, and has ambitious but reachable goals for many, many years down the road, including, but not limited to a Netflix series, a movie, physical coin dispensaries, pre-built 4th wall game arenas, and so much more.