The very first MetaZoo sanctioned tournament to ever take place was on the official MetaZoo Discord server with players using webcams and physical cards. The second one was on Tabletop Simulator, and the third one was the first in-person sanctioned tournament, which took place at the Houston Collect-a-Con in Oct 2021.
Learn more about those, and all other past sanctioned tournaments. Tap any image to enlarge it.
They are in order of oldest to newest.
- Players required a webcam and physical cards to participate in the tournament via the official MetaZoo Discord server.
- There were a total of 24 participants.
- The tournament ran from April 24, 2021 through to May 3, 2021.
- The tournament was streamed live, then later uploaded to the official MetaZoo YouTube channel.
- 1st place received a Kickstarter Booster Box, 2nd place got a Kickstarter Spellbook, and 3rd Place took home a randomly selected Kickstarter Theme Deck.
- Everyone got their respective tournament MetaZoo Medal cards.
- The tournament was won by Discord user Bradstache.

- The Tabletop Simulator Tournament began on May 25, 2021, and ran until June 4, 2021.
- The tournament was sponsored by PokeCellar.
- Everyone took home their respective tournament MetaZoo Medal cards.
- The tournament was also won by Discord user Bradstache.

- Here is a public copy of all the decks that were used throughout the tournament.
- Here is a link to the MetaZoo YouTube channel’s TTS Tournament playlist.
- The first in-person MetaZoo Tournament took place at Collect-A-Con in Houston, Texas, USA.
- It took place on October 16 and 17, 2021.
- The Nightfall Tribal Deck Event took place on Saturday the 16th with a $25 entry fee.
- The Cryptid Nation Constructed Event took place on Sunday the 17th with a $15 entry fee.
- Numerous prizes were given out at the event.
- Top placing competitors took place their corresponding placed MetaZoo Medal cards, and Competitor Playmats.

- First, second and third placing participants also took home physical MetaZoo trophies with uncut Nightfall sheets within them.
- This tournament took place at Tabletop Village located in Seattle, Washington.
- It was a one-day event that took place on December 4, 2021.
- There was a 64 player cap put in place.
- There was a $10 entry fee.
- The top 8 players received MetaZoo Competitor Playmats.
- Top placing players took home their corresponding placed MetaZoo Medal cards.


- The tournament took place online, on Tabletop Simulator on January 1st, 2022. Not in person.
- For the first time ever, 1 of 1 MetaZoo Games Token NFTs were minted for the 1st (Gold), 2nd (Silver) and 3rd (Bronze) place winners of the tournament. The Bronze Snowman 1 of 1 Token was revealed on Dec 19, 2021:
We received an update with more information by Andy, Head of Product at MetaZoo, on the morning of Dec 21, 2021:
MetaZoo’s New Year’s Celebration MetaZoo Tournament is here!
Please join us for our free to enter tournament on Saturday January 1st 2022 at 12PM EST.
This will be on Tabletop Simulator with Nightfall Constructed format and will also require access to the main MetaZoo Discord server. Registration will end at 10am EST on the day of the tournament!
Please follow the Google Doc for tournament details and registration forms.
We will be streaming the tournament on Make sure to tune in and root for your favourite Casters!
MetaZoo New Year NFT TTS Tournament Entry Form.Chaos Crystal Enthusiast (Head of Product) • Dec 21, 2021
- During the Dallas Collect-A-Con occurring on the weekend of May 28-29, 2022, MetaZoo Games will be holding its largest sanctioned MetaZoo trading card game tournament to date.
- Over $250,000 in prize money, and over $100,000 in products to be given away.
- A chance at taking home $100,000 in cash and product prizes if 1st place can be achieved.
- Not only will the top 32 players be going home with at least $1,000 in cash plus additional prizes, but all participants of the tournament will be leaving with a little something to commemorate the Caster’s Cup 2022 event.