Did the chibi mini set (70-90 cards) morph into the valentine’s sku, or are they separate entities?


Obligatory “got any teasers for us” question?

Any update as to when dimmak shirts ship?

You’re never getting them

Special NFT pin along with the NFT promo card ?

working on ths with pinclub

What can I do to stop my metazoo addiction?

feed it

What is the release date for the first chibi set?

in between wilderness and ufo

Will NFT holders get early access to purchase Topps products?

working on this

você ainda tem algum cartão protótipo? posso pegar um?

lol nice try

Is there just the four main sets in the cryptid nation block? Or more?


NFT-holder plushie exclusives?

@Chaos Crystal Enthusiast

Do you plan to announce Roadmap Pt. 2 before the conclusion of Roadmap Pt 1? People seem to think the full set of coins gets nothing after the care package

That’s silly

Will there be international Cryptids coming out?


How do you handle Cryptids with conflicting lore? For example Is Paul Bunyan from Maine or Minnesota?

He got around

Do you have any high end/premium product line planned?

Yes @Chaos Crystal Enthusiast

Any plans to make status effect indicators such as sleep and frozen have more sensible interactions? Like not being able to do defending damage while affected

I think they are pretty sensible, maybe you meant something not quite so rude? You can ask again in 5 minutes

Will any MetaZoo NFT coin unlock all stops on the roadmap? Or are specific stops only for specific coins?

yes any