Mike did you listen to Out of time by The Weekend? Thoughts?

eh, Weekend is great but recent stuff meh

When will the new kickstarter be?

End of Jan

Will more NFTs be dropped?

Of course, not tokens though

What cryptid is the face of the Caribbean? When does chibi set drop on site?

Which chibi set 🙂

Will the full NFT coin set care package include just 1 of either sample, KS, or 1st ed- or something from each?

Good question

Will there be a series Metazoo show coming out?

Yes, we are working on this

Will the 2nd ed NF be a collaborative packaging effort with 1st ed Ouija around Halloween?

Not a bad idea

Is Cumberland Dragon confirmed for wilderness?

Confirmed now!

I was just curious if Nightfall will have a second edition?

Yes, but no booster boxes, spellbooks, release decks, or theme decks/blister packs, only special items for Big Box

Can we get a convention roadmap that breaks down how the autograph process/coin redemption works?


When will Walmart start getting stock?

Later this month

Will there be beasties with multiple aura types?

Starting with Seance

What is happening with Asmodee? They say the deal is not yet done. What can us UK retailers do in the meantime?

That’s funny, because they paid us haha. Keep asking!

Official release date for the Valentines Chibi set?

Feb 7

How come only some of the nft blue label boxes have shipped?

Not true, many many have shipped

whats happening with the Nft booster boxes that arnt delivered yet?

We are taking it from the fulfillment service that screwed up and doing it ourselves. So remaining boxes go out this week/weekend