What is the MetaZoo Trading Card Game?

The MetaZoo trading/collectible card game is based around cryptids and folklore from across the globe. The first set, named Cryptid Nation, was released on July 30th, 2021 and focuses on cryptids and powerful artifacts based out of the United States of America. Future sets will focus on cryptids from other countries around the world, while new […]

Who is MetaZoo Games LLC?

MetaZoo Games LLC was founded by Michael A. Waddell in 2020 in New York City, New York, and now consists of over thirty people responsible for the ever-growing MetaZoo trading card game that initially launched through a successfully funded Kickstarter campaign backed by 255 people with a pool of $18,249 in late 2020. Over the course of […]

What are MetaZoo Games’ Official Websites?

METAZOO GAMES SITE: metazoogames.com METAZOO STORE LOCATOR: metazoogames.com/storelocator METAZOO MARKETPLACE: metazoomarketplace.com METAZOO PLAY NETWORK (MPN): play.metazoogames.com METAZOO NFTs: nft.metazoogames.com SEE ALL METAZOO’S SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS HERE

What are MetaZoo Games’ Social Media Accounts?

Here’s a full list of every one of MetaZoo Games’ social media accounts to date: METAZOO GAMES ON FACEBOOK: facebook.com/metazoogames METAZOO GAMES ON INSTAGRAM: instagram.com/metazoogames METAZOO GAMES ON TWITTER: twitter.com/metazoogames METAZOO GAMES ON YOUTUBE: youtube.com/metazoogames METAZOO GAMES ON TWITCH: twitch.tv/metazoogames METAZOO GAMES ON REDDIT: reddit.com/metazoogames METAZOO GAMES ON DISCORD: discord.com/metazoogames METAZOO GAMES ON TIK TOK: […]

How Do You Play the MetaZoo TCG?

Looking to learn the basics on how to play the MetaZoo trading card game? Here is a ~6 minute video created by MetaZoo Games themselves that explains exactly how to play their MetaZoo TCG.

How and Where Can I Play MetaZoo Online?

If you’re interested in playing the MetaZoo trading card game online with other players, you are able to do so via Tabletop Simulator (TTS). Tabletop Simulator is available via Steam for USD$19.99 right here. It can only be played on PC, and you will need a free Steam account. MetaZoo is not an official Tabletop Simulator game at […]

What 4th Wall Items Are Allowed in Gameplay?

In alphabetical order, here are all of the 4th Wall items that you can use in MetaZoo TCG gameplay: American Flag Balloon Banana Bandage Bell Bug-like Figure Camouflage Candy Coal Coin Cross Damaged MetaZoo Product Dirt Fire, Representation of Fishing Rod Flannel Shirt Gelatin Ice Jacket/Sweater Leather Belt Light Bulb Mirror NASA Symbol Neon/Glowing Light […]

What are the MetaZoo Card Rarities?

The card rarities for the MetaZoo Cryptid Nation blocks are: BRONZE / COMMON SILVER / UNCOMMON GOLD / RARE PLATINUM / MEDAL

What are the MetaZoo Aura Types & Icons? (Updated Jan 7, 2022)

There are a total of 10 different Aura types in MetaZoo’s Cryptid Nation trading card game set block. The Aura types and icons for Cryptid Nation: Base Set & Nightfall, in alphabetical order, are: COSMIC AURA DARK AURA EARTH AURA FLAME AURA FOREST AURA FROST AURA LIGHT AURA LIGHTNING AURA SPIRIT AURA WATER AURA The […]

Is There an Online MetaZoo Store Locator?

There is an official MetaZoo Store Locator that you can take a look at right here. However, I want to make note that there are some store locations that either do not know about the Store Locator’s existence, or, would rather not be listed on the public Store Locator as it can become too cumbersome. With that being […]

Where Can I Buy MetaZoo TCG Product?

MetaZoo products can be found at a number of places. Here’s how you can get your hands on some: Official MetaZoo Marketplace – Straight from MetaZoo Games themselves, there is a wide array of MetaZoo card products, apparel and accessories up for sale. Official MetaZoo Store Locator – Find a store near you that was open to […]

What are the MetaZoo TCG Product MSRPs/RRPs?

Here are the prices directly from the MetaZoo Games Marketplace, and is what you would expect to pay at the time of their release. As of the release of UFO, Partnered LGSs are required to abide by MAP (minimum advertised price) set out by MetaZoo Games for a number of weeks, and then can eventually […]

What Distributors Does MetaZoo Use?

Here is a list of distributors that are being used by MetaZoo Games around the world. STORES BASED IN THE UNITED STATES: Golden Distribution, Peachstate Hobby Distribution Channel Fireball STORES BASED IN CANADA: Universal Distribution STORES BASED IN AUSTRALIA/NEW ZEALAND: Let’s Play Games STORES BASED IN EUROPE/UK: Asmodee Announced Nov. 24, 2021

What Companies are Printing MetaZoo Cards?

As of November 2021, all MetaZoo cards and sets (Sample cards, Kickstarter cards, Cryptid Nation 1st & 2nd Edition and Nightfall 1st Edition), were printed by Bayaya Board Game Co., based out of Guangdong, China. Going forward into 2022, as of the Wilderness or UFO set (unconfirmed which set will be first), MetaZoo cards will be […]

How Many MetaZoo Booster Boxes are in a Half Case / Master Case?

MetaZoo booster box cases have undergone changes from set-to-set. Here’s the details for Cryptid Nation: Base Set 1st Edition and Nightfall 1st Edition. Cryptid Nation: Base Set 2nd Edition and beyond will be using the same or similar case/master case configurations as Nightfall 1st Edition.   There are 18 Booster Boxes in a Cryptid Nation: […]

Will MetaZoo Sets Always Premiere in 1st Edition?

Newly released MetaZoo sets will always premiere in 1st Edition. This will hold true whether or not 2nd Edition and/or other print runs are released.